Thursday, August 28, 2008

Round 276

Date Released: August 28th, 2008.
Date Rewarded: September 4th, 2008.

The following sentence appears somewhere on the Neopets site. However, only one letter per word is shown here.

What Neopian name can you spell when you unscramble the circled letters? Only submit a single word as your answer; any other information may disqualify your entry.


Kougra Lily

Click to show/hide solution

It's funny that the above sentence is from Lenny Conundrum: "Also giving out the answer or obvious hints is against the rules."

That leave you with avtebhigrl to unscramble. The answer is brightvale.

Results: 5143 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 389 NP each.


Unknown said...

hint: you don't have to look very far to find the specified phrase

Unknown said...

im confusing please help

Jonathan Jabez said...

what does AVTEBHIGRL spell

Rodrigo said...

Thats easy =)

Anonymous said...

Any hint for the neopian name :/?

nichola said...

Thanks daesun...Hint:for the name,explore'll get it.

crflowerchloe said...

would someone please help!?

rodrigo... daesun... please!

i have the sentence but i can't unscramble it!

Anonymous said...

Hmm,explore Neopia D:.

crflowerchloe said...

no i have the sentence can someone help me unscramble it???

thecrew asked too... look up on the page

Anonymous said...

Just serach a few place names...
You dont have to search long.

Anonymous said...

If you are REALLY struggling search the calender for the past month. That might give you a clue

crflowerchloe said...

haha i got it know!

thanks mark and daesun ♥

crflowerchloe said...


Anonymous said...

No prob, i hope i finally get that avatar.
Ive been working on these conundrums for 3 months but still no avatar.

kirra12 said...

D; yikes, does it have to have a big letter for the first letter?
I already submitted mine D:

Anonymous said...

I hope it doesnt have to have a capital letter D:

Anonymous said...

D:,I don't think im making that 250
first winners Dx.

kirra12 said...

Its been for quite sometime now,
shouldnt get to be the 250 cause this one is pretty easy after round 273 puzzle *ppl learn fast dont they*

Anonymous said...

I must be dumb,sense I still don't get it D:...

Zephyr said...

I still can't figure out the phrase either o.<

Unknown said...

the avb girl
bathe v girl
grave blith
birth gleav
blight arev
vig halbert
girth blave
gavel trihb
bel vig rath

Unknown said...

(_)_S_, _ _ _(_)I_ _ _U(_) _ _ E _N_ _(_)_ O_ _(_)V_ _ _ _ (_)_ _T_ (_)S _(_)_ _N_ _ _H_ (_)U(_)_ _.

Unknown said...

I think I got it now. thanks for the clues guys. check out the explore neopia page and the calendar page. the word is on both pages. keep trying to unscramble it.

Danyel said...

brightvale is the answer o.o

The Torisaurus said...

dude I feel dumb. it took me forever to find where the sentence was. and now i just feel dumb. but i got it. lol

Jonathan Jabez said...

lol i saw it quite fast.. but couldnt figure what it spelt. until i saw brightvale i was like shiet.. im retarded.. by the way ccheck my blog out and tag it hanks

Unknown said...

Lol its easy:
'the avb girl
bathe v girl
grave blith
birth gleav
blight arev
vig halbert
girth blave
gavel trihb
bel vig rath'
its one word only
HINT: its near meridell