Thursday, August 21, 2008

Round 275

Date Released: August 21st, 2008.
Date Rewarded: August 28th, 2008.

You have the following sequence of numbers:


If you multiply the three missing numbers together, what will you get?


Fresh Bamboo Mat

Click to show/hide solution

Check out the calendar.

* Aug 8th - Blumaroo Day
* Aug 11th - Discovery of Brightvale
* Aug 18th - Meerca Day!
* Aug 20th - Annual Usuki Doll Convention
* Aug 24th - Grundo Independence Day
* Aug 25th - Mutant Day
* Aug 29th - Kyrii Day

* Sept 9th - Draik Day
* Sept 13th - Techo Day
* Sept 15th - The Annual Chocolate Ball
* Sept 19th - Poogle Parade (Poogle Day)
* Sept 20th - Faerie Festival. Rumour has it that this is when the Faeries are most generous to Neopians.
* Sept 23rd - Annual Gormball Championships
* Sept 25th - Skeith Day

According to the original sequence, the missing numbers are 25, 29 and 13. Therefore, the answer is: 25 * 29 * 13 = 9425.

Results: 4405 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 455 NP each.


Qae said...

I like this one a lot more than the last one. XD

Unknown said...

This was easy, but i think i am late for the trophie =(

fubarific said...

Wow... that made it too easy.

jake said...

that was really easy, i really hope i wasnt too late. i sent in my answer 2 days ago.

Unknown said...

a number like this?