Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Next round

Crosses all the worlds, we get the below:

The question is read backwards from the remaining letters:

"what is the numeric deactivation code for the evil program dr sloth created?"

Check step 24 of the below link

(Please submit the answer with no spaces or punctuation)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Round 288


check out the first four pets then you know the next one... :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Round 287

I think this may be the final version.

Tier 1: r1 = d1/2 = 6 in (bottom)
Tier 2: r2 = d2/2 = 5.25 in (middle)
Tier 3: r3 = d3/2 = 4.5 in (top)
Height: h = 1.5 in (height of a layer)

V(cake) = pi * ((r1-1/3)^2 + (r2-1/3)^2 + (r3-1/3)^2) * (3*h)

V(frost_side) = pi * (2/3 r1 + 2/3 r2 + 2/3 r3 - 1/3) * (3*h+1/2)
V(frost_top) = pi * (r1^2 + r2^2 + r3^2) * 1/3
V(frost) = V(frost_top) + V(frost_side)

V(jam) = pi * ((r1 - 1/3)^2 + (r2 - 1/3)^2 + (r3 - 1/3)^2) * 1/2

weight = V(cake) * 0.35 + V(frost) * 0.48 + V(jam) * 0.6

cal = weight * 53.4

Remember not to round before the the final answer. Good luck.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Round 286

This is a guessing game again. I think the answer could be one of those with high points: Chomby (39), Mynci (35), Xweetok (31), Scorchio (25), Usul (23), Eyrie (22), Ogrin (20), Peophin (20), Blumaroo (19), Nimmo (19), Poogle (19)

Your choice of submission