Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Round 286

This is a guessing game again. I think the answer could be one of those with high points: Chomby (39), Mynci (35), Xweetok (31), Scorchio (25), Usul (23), Eyrie (22), Ogrin (20), Peophin (20), Blumaroo (19), Nimmo (19), Poogle (19)

Your choice of submission


Mouse said...

I noticed that the top choices were the longer lettered ones. That could be something to be taken into account when guessing.

Lin said...

I would say Ixi or Cybunny would be logical choice

jim s said...

I guessed Wocky, just because of rule #2

rachel said...

I guessed Blumaroo because I personally did Elephante because of length.. so yeah

Naomi Wharton said...

I'm going with Blumaroo also because it is so long

Unknown said...

i went with chomby just because it was the first one listed. lol being lazy

Kimmy said...

I went with Xweetok,

Thought the X might have inspired those guessing, looking at first letter being a roman numeral

El Dr said...

As this question is imposible to know... i'm going to try "Blumaroo".

Good job you all last week :)

Unknown said...
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Violet said...

How do we know which pets have which points? and what are the rules? (james mentioned rule #2 in his post.

because of the exactly thing I'm thinking of guessing xweetox but i could be so wrong.

I'm on neopets now if anyone can answer these questions ( or post here! )


violet - princessdigitalis

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I also thought of something else. It might be a hint, or it might be a typo, or someone's plain stupidity. The word capitalization is misspelled in this weeks Lenny. It could be a hint toward my theory.

Unknown said...

How is Capitalising misspelled?
Btw I went for Ixi since I like the pet and it has 3 roman numerals :)

Unknown said...

Capitalising should be spelled Capitalizing.

Ash D said...

Capitalising isn't spelled incorrectly, its just the english way of spelling it rather than the american...

Unknown said...

Neopets is based in America, therefore it would be the American spelling, not the English. I used to look it up. I looked them both up and this is what I found:

1. To write or print in capital letters or with an initial capital.

No results found for capitalising:
Did you mean capitalizing (in dictionary)
Reference suggestions: capitalizing

Unknown said...

Well since I just went to the same website and got this:

2 dictionary results for: capitalise

yada yada yada

and at the bottom

Also, especially British, cap⋅i⋅tal⋅ise.

1755–65, Americanism; capital 1 + -ize

bobohed said...

Um, even though neopets is based in America, the founders were English, and therefore the company uses the British spelling for words. yes, I know Adam and Donna Powell do not work for neopets anymore, but the company is continuing the pattern.

As for this weeks Lenny Conundrum, I put 55, because maybe some people thought that you were supposed to write the value of the answer instead of the neopet's name. Just a guess though. It never says "pet name", it just says "answer"...

Lim Eileen said...

lolx...i guessed blumaroo

Unknown said...

Did anyone get this one right? What did you answer?

LC Solver said...

the right answer is Xweetok

DrStevo said...

You won the Lenny Conundrum!
Dear steve,

Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 286). You have won 988 NP!

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

I had guessed Xweetok