Date Rewarded: June 19th, 2008.
A Chomby was walking down a path one day when Jhudora appeared in front of it. "Solve this puzzle, and you may pass," she said.
You are presented with the following gibberish:
"Here's a tool to help you," Jhudora said as she handed this to you:
What is the answer to the coded question? Please submit only a single-word answer.

Heart Shaped Chocolates

Heart Shaped Chocolates
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Assume the first letter ('W') is correct.
Here is the step to decode: move the middle ring of the wheel (you can move it in the flash above) so that the next decoding letter match in that ring matches with the previous decoded letter in the outer ring. The red arrow will point to the next decoded letter in the inner ring. The below steps are examples for the decoding process:
Second letter:
Previous decoded letter: 'W'
Decoding letter: 'L'
Decoded letter: 'H'

Third letter:
Previous decoded letter: 'H'
Decoding letter: 'T'
Decoded letter: 'A'

Fourth letter:
Previous decoded letter: 'A'
Decoding letter: 'T'
Decoded letter: 'T'

Therefore, the first word is 'WHAT'. If you do the rest of the sequence of letters, the question is 'WHAT SPECIES OF NEOPET IS THE SHOPKEEPER OF THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY?'. The answer is Kiko.
Results: 3769 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 531 NP each.
i got the answer =D
thanx soo much =]
you're brilliant! Thanks!
i didnt get it too hard for me
i got stuck at the word after the first the im getting "shonicXXX" im lost help plz
jay: 'S' is correct but after that, I think you did it wrong.
yea i figured it out i was moving with the outer B not the inner i messed up at the fourth letter, B, of that word
lol I used a different method: I moved the W to between the A's, and then moved the W to between the L's and the letter viewed from between the A's in that position was H. I then moved the H to the next letter in the code, which was T, and looked between the A's again to get the nxt letter, which was A. Kept going till I got the whole answer. Different method, but it still worked. It seems easier to mess up with my method, though.
i was trying this 26 times...
thanks for help
i got the second word but after that i got hy gx
*thinking* i'm going wrong somewhere..
I went a different way, by putting the wheel into photoshop putting each ring into a layer therefore creating an image where i could move any ring. but the red pointer must be on the middle ring.
So all i have to do is move middle ring to get the right letter.
so far working great
thanks to al for help and ideas. Just hope i get into the top 250 one day!
Thank you so much, i got the answer ^^
I Did a puzzle like this in my maths class for fun once and when i saw this i understood it first off :D thanks for the tips though
Thanks for your help! The movable grid was very handy!!!!!
Thank you!
yyyllop, the third word is not correct and you may off a little (the position of the ring...)
This is sooooooooooooo confusing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marcella, I forgot to comment on your comment: if 'A' (middle ring) matches with 'W' (outer ring), this is also the case 'W' (middle ring) matches with 'A'. So your way of solving and the way I posted are identical (just a different place to look at it)
Good job!
... i have no clue how you did that...
mainly cuz i tried it and i got even worse jibberish.
what was the answer?
wait what is the question end up being?
i hate not having first english as language.
how do you even use the clue? i remember it from a christmas story lol.
I figured out the answer and Im 11!
This is so F*cking hard
SOMEONE. I need the answer. :(
Well would you suppose I figured out the answer and I'm 10?Because I am!
Thank-you so much, although I have got to the 8th word and after the 2nd letter I keep getting gibberish. Can you help explain?
i STILL dont get it.
can anyone explain it a different way?
I got the answer thanks its so easy now *if you want the answer E-mail me @ or @ =}
After reading your hint i got it instantly thanks :)
I love these hints, and I love how you don't really give us the answer, you help us.
Thanks a ton!
Thank you so much for this! You think a 21 year old would be able to figure this one out by herself but no.. I guess I really should have paid more attention in my classes at school ^^;
Cheers! =3
I got the answer too! At 1st try, after looking at the hint I got so confused, i gave up. Thank God, I tried again and got it! I can just say, the 2nd word is NOT special as I thought =) Thanks for this blog XD
some of the word where easy to figure out after you got first 3 letter of each word thank to this i won 532 NP ^_^
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