Date Rewarded: July 2nd, 2008.
A Grarrl was walking down a path one day when Illusen appeared in front of it. "Solve this puzzle, and you may pass," she said.
Another ancient tomb in the Lost Desert has the following grid of letters engraved on the tomb door:

If the correct letters are engraved on the tomb door, it will open. However, the last column of letters is missing.
If you figure out what the missing letters are and read down the last column of letters, what will it spell? For example, if the last column's letters were A, B, C, D, E, and F, you would submit "ABCDEF". Please submit your answer with NO SPACES; do not submit ANY information other than the answer. Otherwise, your submission may be disqualified.

Basic Spelling Songs
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If you convert the letters into numbers using the following scheme, you will get a grid of numbers.
The grid of numbers is:
Notice that in the first row, each number is larger than its previous number by 8, i.e. 11 = 3 + 8, 19 = 11 + 8... Also, if a number is greater than 26, it can be converted into a modulo [1] of 26 (or subtracted by 26). In this case 19 + 8 = 27 and 27 mod 26 = 1 (or 27 - 26 = 1). So, you can find the last number by adding 8 into the fifth number in the first row (mod 26 if necessary)
In the second row, similar to the first row, but you need to add 10 (and do 26-modulo operation if necessary). Third row, add 12 (mod 26 if necessary). Forth row, add 14 (mod 26 if necessary). Fifth row, add 16 (mod 26 if necessary). Last row, add 18 (mod 26 if necessary).
After you get all the numbers in the last column, convert them back into letters using the above mapping technique. The answer is QASALB.
Results: 5199 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 385 NP each.
[1] Modulo operation