Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Round 283

What do you get when you multiply six by nine?

If there is no tricks, you shouldn't need hints? or would you... ?

Some people suggest this one:

Logically, I don't really see the reason for it but feel free to answer what you like. Maybe it is the answer.... We never know...


Briana Wang said...

i dunno. seems a little easy...

Unknown said...

it almost seams too easy. but i entered my answer at 5:24. a little too late probably. it came out at 5:11. I've been checking it like every 15 minutes waiting for it to switch and i was just a little too late i think. Been doing homework in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's as easy as it seems.

I think a little digging into The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy might help find the correct answer.

J_L_K_64 said...

this is like a direct quote from that movie, hitchikers guide to the galaxy, this was the ultimate question i think, or something like that, but i dont know if TNT would make it into a LC question like this

Anonymous said...

Looks like we're on the same page. :)

I don't think it's coincidence that this is an *exact* quote from the book/movie.

J_L_K_64 said...

i dont know, TNT does like to screw with people, and this is one heck of a way to do it, personally i think they can go either way with the answer, and i dont think they have the actual answer picked out yet, im thinking they're waiting to see something but not sure what though

Mandi Barber said...

Also notice the prize - A Shoyru's Guide To Neopia On A Budget (emphasis on GUIDE) The prizes always have something to do with the riddles...coincidence?

Anonymous said...

I think the answer is 42.

Meg said...

I posted the meaning of the life, universe, and everything...we'll see if that is what TNT had in mind.

Unknown said...

A Shoyrus Guide To Neopia On A Budget.

six and nine may not be numbers at all but a reference to a previous answer or something. or like the sixth page and nineth page of a book or website on neopets. idk.. just brainstorming.

Unknown said...

its nto going to be a word or phrase. they want a number answer. "Please, submit only a number with no punctuation or other information."
but i like your reference to hitchhikers guide. i love that story. the book is way better than the movie. hey have you seen tin man? its like the wizard of oz only 6 hours long and twisted up.

J_L_K_64 said...

well like jennifer said, it could reference LC #s 6 and 9, and if thats the case, then the answer would be 313920

William said...

It could even be 313,920
The answer to LC #6 is 120 and the answer to LC #9 is 2616...

William said...

Oh, wow, I didn't refresh... lol

William said...

And actually, it is not *exact*, if I recall it is what do you get IF you multiply six by nine

Mandi Barber said...

So the question is whether we have a red herring on our hands (in addition to the deceptive simplicity of the question) Personally, it seems like they meant to reference The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; I don't think they'd mislead us with something as subtle as the prize. (Of course it could go either way.)

Then there's the fact that we just had a puzzle referencing previous Lenny Conundrums and involving simple math. If the answer is 42, they knew they'd catch lots of people who were still thinking along the lines of previous puzzles. If it's 313920, they expected everyone to realize it would be too obvious to have such a similar puzzle. (Of course using this logic, it's just as likely that 54 is really correct, since they knew we'd all read too much into it...)

Ophiuchus said...

Why didn't they put 6*9 instead of multiply six by nine. If you use algebra, you get sixnine. So maybe the answer is 67

Anonymous said...

The following is taken from Wikipedia, and the question is worded exactly alike to the one in LC:

Arthur pulls random letters from a bag, but only gets the sentence "WHAT DO YOU GET IF YOU MULTIPLY SIX BY NINE?"

"Six by nine. Forty two."

"That's it. That's all there is."

(source: wiki "Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything")

Hugh Jepenis said...

hmm maybe its not a trick lol
but just to be safe im going with The Hitchhiker's Guide to he Galaxy and The Impossible Quiz 2 (there was one question with the answer to the universe thingy xD)

Qae said...


What do you get when you multiply six by nine?

Difference? IF and WHEN.

I say it is 54.
TNT wanted to throw you ALL off. ;D

screename said...

I answered 42.

I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

Mandi Barber said...

Anyone have the actual books with them? The internet can't necessarily be trusted (especially Wikipedia) notice:


"What do you get when you multiply six by nine"

hannahCheatem said...


2. whoever does is just making u think its hard, but its not. its
6x9, how aed could the make it?

Deuce Loosely said...

people aren't as well-read as others so they won't get the reference of the prize. The book in question is also way outside the realm of Neopets. If they really are pulling a quote straight from that book's pages, perhaps LC was lazy this time and just threw something out there in hopes someone would get it.

I went with the theory that LC is messing with us and answered 54. I think they know how we like to overthink these answers...

Unknown said...

Maybe the answer is "a number" that would really be trying to screw with us

J_L_K_64 said...


what does TNT stand for? the letters, what does each letter stand for? your thinking of adam and donna, and yes, adam and donna have sold neopets, but, TNT (theneopetsteam) is the general "goverment" at neopets

basherrr said...

How about those equations where
where the answer is another word and all the letters stand for a number.

LC Solver said...

Feel free to go with 42 if you like (it could be true) but I think a simple question is a tricky one.

Once, there was a question 1 + 1 on a famous newspaper and everyone tried to interpret differently but the solution (one week later) was just 2. In this question, I went ahead with basic Math. But it's all your call :)

screename said...

:( I haven't gotten my "You have won the Lenny Conundrum" Neomail. :( I guess it wasn't 42.

LC Solver said...

Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 283). You have won 115 NP! (I answered 54)

RITBedBugger said...

It's over but you can still enter your guess? I tried entering 54 again just now and it said only once per competition, so I guess they forgot to take it down.

screename said...

:( Oh well. At least we get a new one in just a few hours.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 283). You have won 115 NP!

Unknown said...

this really helps with the next LC.

its about bases and how to convert between them.

Unknown said...

long winded about base systems. we ar ein base ten, the decimal system. and binary is base 2 using only 2 digits to compute number. 0 and 1. 0001101= 13. and 0001110= 14 in binary= base ten. base 32 uses 32 digits. ex: a-z (0-25), 2-7. (26-32)

Qae said...

HAHAHAHA! It was 54!