Date Rewarded: September 25th, 2008.
A Chomby was walking down a path one day when Jhudora appeared in front of it. "Solve this puzzle, and you may pass," she said.
Add up all of the previous Lenny Conundrum answers where the answer could be expressed as a number. If the answer was more than one number, pick the lower of the two answers. Take the square root of that sum, round to the nearest integer, and replace the digits as follows:
1 : G
2 : A if preceded by an odd digit, P if preceded by an even digit
3 : H if preceded by an odd digit, R if preceded by an even digit
4 : T if preceded by an odd digit, Y if preceded by an even digit
5 : O if preceded by an odd digit, E if preceded by an even digit.
6 : N
7 : D
8 : U if preceded by an odd digit, I if preceded by an even digit.
9 : S if preceded by an odd digit, W if preceded by an even digit.
0 : L if preceded by an odd digit, M if preceded by an even digit.
Then, unscramble these letters to find a Neopian word. What is the word? Please only submit a single word, with no other information or punctuation, or your answer may be disqualified.

Rainbow Arm Chair
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The biggest number that can contribute to the sum is in Round 111 (294,215,686,440,197,000,000), the second biggest number is in Round 269 (52,907,904,000). Other numbers are insignificant to the biggest number. If we take the square root of the biggest number, we get 17,152,716,591. If we take the square root of the sum of the two biggest numbers, we get 17,152,716,592. Therefore, other numbers do not affect the result. It has been verified by adding all numbers in all rounds.
Using 17,152,716,592 to decode, we get GDGOADGNESA. It is not supposed to be what TNT intended. It should be GDGAADGMESA or GDGMADGAESA. With either one of them, the answer is gadgadsgame. Here is what TNT said:
Actually, there was an error in the puzzle that we did not notice until after the Lenny Conundrum went live, so we accepted many different answers that had "Gadgads" in it.Results: 1325 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 1510 NP each.
they said its a neopain word so could it be 2 words? a name or a place? noone knows right
Is there any way I can contact you? I have a million questions about this week conundrum. Please email me at my side email account:
Thank you! :)
The only thing I can think of is gadgadsbogen, but that has too many letters...there are a couple letters missing...
i thought of gadgadsbogen too but the "b" is missing
there is also another A that is missing...that's the only thing that I can think of though...hmmmm.
when they say "Add up all of the previous Lenny Conundrum answers where the answer could be expressed as a number." Does that include answers like "175 miles," "200lbs," "34 years," or "7.91cm?" Or did you just add the answers with only numbers?
it includes those too...also guys, ignore what i just said about the A, i didn't see it when i wrote it down, but its there. lol.
i submitted something, hope I got it right! xD
what did you submit
did you submit a word with the letters "GDGOADGNESA," or did you come up with something else?
i tried gadgadsgame, it seems like the only logical answer
I did the math, and had the three last digits different, I had 599.886747 or if you round up 600.
For 600, I got the letters NMM, for 599 I got the letters ESS, so I'm guessing that "Gadgadsgame" is a good answer, so I went with that also. Too bad we have to wait a week to find out. It's gonna bother me all week. Lol Thanks for your help! :)
that can't be the right answer because the actual Lenny's puzzle say's there is an "N" in the answer.
If anyone can come up with something else & wouldn't mind emailing me I'd appreciate it
Thanks & good luck!
sorry, all of my message didn't post. I tried to say that the answer "gadgadsgame" doesn't have an "N" in it & the original Lenny's puzzle quotes that there is an "n" in the answer! that is an awesome guess but you see it cannot be right?
I'm not sure how you guys are getting the letters gdgoadgnesa...
there should be either an H or an R,
a T or a Y, there can't be BOTH an E and O it's one or the other, a U or an I, and L or M...
I'm not sure how you guys got the gdgoadgnesa because there's only 1 G one A and one D in the puzzle... I'm pretty confused right now heh.
What is the number you get when you add up "all of the previous answers" and get the square rt. If someone actually does that correctly then we can figure out the answer easily. I'll do it when I get home from work tonight if no one else has...
with the numbers 17152716592 you should have the letters EDGEADGNOWA. I have looked this over 5 times with the numbers you posted.
EDIT: the letters are GDGEADGNOWA the first letter was a typo
There's no way you can have 2 G's.
With the numbers you've given the letters should be:
can anyone unscramble?
I don't get how you're getting what you are getting. I used the numbers that you used, and then square rooted them and got 130968.3801...
But then, you have to round to the nearest integer (whole number), so it's 130968.
Then, 1=G, 3=H (since 1 is odd), 0=L (since 3 is odd), 9=W (since 0 is even), 6=N, and 8=I (since 6 is even).
So, 130968 would equal GHLWNI. Am I dong this right, or am I completely off? I think I might be off, since there is only one consonant. =/
If I am right or wrong, and you'd like to work it out with me, hit me up at:
If you replace the 1's with G's, the 7's with D's, the 5's with O or E's...
That the way we were getting those letters. It could also be that you replace the 1st number with G, the second with either A or P...ETC. That's what I thought at first too. IDK, if you unscramble your letters and get another answer, let us know.
Sara, the number 17152716592 was already square routed.
When I added them up I got the sum 2942156686756030386368.327, and I got a similar square root to LC Solver's. I'm guessing that either of our answers could be a little off because they said "answers that could be expressed by a number." That might not include dates and times, etc. But with a sum so high, the sqare roots are still mostly the same. Hope that helps. :)
Does anyone know the answer? Help me slove it? I haven't ever gotten it.
Thank you screename, haha, I figured it out after I thought about it some more, but it took a while. :D
could it have something to do with the name "Agnes"? "agnes" was in the letters
maybe its got something to do with neggs!!
How did you people get that there HAS to be an N? It just said if there's a 6, replace it with N. Maybe there's not a six, dudes.
I just submitted gadsgadsgame. I don't think its right, though.
Can you post the letters you got from the square root, or are LC's right?
Sorry that I didn't post sooner as I was busy. If the number is right (I'm pretty confident about it), the letters are as they are. Someone people mentioned a word that I think it could be right...
what about the last number in
can the 2 at the end be either an 'a' or a 'p', because it doesn't precede anything?
LC Solver, There is no "E" in the choices given by neopets, so the letters would have to be GDGOADNOSA. I was thinking it had something to do with GADGADSBOGEN, but come up with GADGADSGOON, hehe. I don't know what to do with the goon part.
We're gonna find out soon! Yay! :) I'm excited, I've never done a Lenny Conundrum before except for the last two weeks when it was the percentage question, which was pretty much just a guessing game. I can't wait to see what the answer is! :)
I thik there was a bit of a miss spelling cause I just receive the NM of TNT that says that I won the thing is that I dont remember if I enter gadgadsbogen or gadgadsgame
The answer was gadsgadsgame
Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 279). You have won 1510 NP!
I think I entered gadgadsbogen. Which in the case I owe a thank you to purplemonkee.
The answer was gadgadsbogen. But I didn't win the trophy =(
Im seeing that's gonna be hard to win this trophy. The first 250 people solve it too fast.
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