Date Rewarded: September 18th, 2008.
What percentage of users answering this question will get it correct?
Please round to the nearest whole number. Please do not include any characters in your answer other than numbers. This includes spaces, punctuation, or percentage signs. If there is no correct answer, we'll pick whatever answer comes closest to being correct. And yes, we're intentionally asking this question again.

Funky Blue and Orange Sofa

Funky Blue and Orange Sofa
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Another guessing game. Last week answer is 3 so a lot of people went with 3. Here is the solution from TNT
19,427 users entered this week's Lenny Conundrum. Here were the top twelve answers, with the rounded percentage of users answering each one:
- "3" (2517 guesses, 13.0% of total entries)
- "5" (1498 guesses, 7.7% of total entries)
- "4" (1429 guesses, 7.4% of total entries)
- "100" (1258 guesses, 6.5% of total entries)
- "2" (1244 guesses, 6.4% of total entries)
- "1" (924 guesses, 4.8% of total entries)
- "6" (505 guesses, 2.6% of total entries)
- "7" (444 guesses, 2.3% of total entries)
- "50" (431 guesses, 2.2% of total entries)
- "0" (418 guesses, 2.2% of total entries
- "10" (402 guesses, 2.1% of total entries
- "8" (226 guesses, 1.2% of total entries
All other guesses came in at under 2%, and since 0, 1, and 2 are already accounted for in the top ten, it's just a matter of which one comes closest. From above, you can see that "0" came closest to its corresponding percentage, so 0 was the correct answer.
Results: 418 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 4785 NP each.
i'm going for 3% again
19,948 users entered this week's Lenny Conundrum. Here were the top ten answers, with the rounded percentage of users answering each one:
1. "100" (1370 guesses, 6.9% of total entries)
2. "1" (1141 guesses, 5.7% of total entries)
3. "3" (821 guesses, 4.1% of total entries)
4. "0" (766 guesses, 3.8% of total entries)
5. "2" (668 guesses, 3.4% of total entries)
6. "50" (654 guesses, 3.3% of total entries)
7. "5" (571 guesses, 2.8% of total entries)
8. "10" (525 guesses, 2.6% of total entries)
9. "4" (960 guesses, 2.3% of total entries)
10. "100%" (766 guesses, 1.8% of total entries, but DISQUALIFIED since the question stated to omit percentage signs)
All other guesses came in at under 2%, and since 0, 1, and 2 are already accounted for in the top ten, it's just a matter of which one comes closest. From above, you can see that "3" came closest to its corresponding percentage, so 3 was the correct answer. Wouldn't be interesting to see how people would answer this question already knowing how people answered it before?
this is some kinda of weird social experiment set up by neopets :(
I am guessing HIGHER thasn 3, since now folks know better than to guess 100% they gotta guess something...
I think neopets are doing this to get around sites like these, where people can easily pick up the answers without trying.
Now, it's just a case of luck.
And whoopsie! I submitted 68% >_< Heh heh.
I said 4%.
Sista, it's awfully funny that you say that and then come here to get the so-called answers.
round 279, any tips? :(
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