Date Rewarded: July 31st, 2008.
A Chomby was walking down a path one day when Jhudora appeared in front of it. "Solve this puzzle, and you may pass," she said.
Suppose you have four numbered tiles, one with a 3 on it, one with a 4, one with a 5, and one with a 6.

What is the largest four-digit number that can be formed by these tiles that is not evenly divisible by 9? Only submit a four-digit number as your answer; any other information may disqualify your entry.

Faerie Tales: Cloud Nine

Faerie Tales: Cloud Nine
Click to show/solution
A number is divisible by 9 when the sum of its digits is divisible by 9 [1]. If we sum the four given digits: 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 18 (which is divisible by 9), there can't be a number of those 4 digits that isn't divisible by 9.
However, if you rotate the #6 tile, you get #9. Now, the sum of the digits is 3 + 4 + 5 + 9 = 21 (which is not divisible by 9). Any 4 digit number that formed by the above digits will not be divisible by 9. Therefore, the answer is the largest number formed by those 4 digits (3, 4, 5, 9). It is 9543.
Results: some (5503-5517) people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 363 NP each.
[1] Divisibility rule
sweetious man thx for the tip
are you allowed to use exponents for this?
I don't think so. It should be a 4-digit number!
that helped a lot!!!
I was suspicious so I verified it here. I hope this time your logic holds up... ;)
What does "evenly divisible by 9" mean?
It means that when you divide it by 9 there are no decimals, just a whole number
wait, wasn't it not evenly divisible by 9? so there would be decimals?
i still don't get it are you supposed to add or multiply it then you devide it by 9 right
please don't post the answer here. Either right or wrong.
Ah! I knew I was missing something when I wasn't coming up with any non-divisibles of 9. Fortunately, I had all the combinations written out, so I just had to flip it. :D
Thanks for the hint! I overlooked the fact of the tiles completely.
But I've actually found a use for that combinatorics class now. Made it soo much easier.
I'm so sorry.
guys im trying every number they all end up evenly divisible buy 9. any tips plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....i got nothin
apparently you haven't read the hint, raghav
thanx sooo much for the tip!
im really confused... i cant get any number from the 4 given to get a number that is not divisible by 9!
your didn't read the hint, did you?
omg, guys this is sooo obvious!! you have a 3 a 4 a 5 and a 6. the 6 becomes 9. the biggest number out of 9, 5, 4, and 3 is.....
If you guys are going to post the answer. AT LEAST post the RIGHT answer. Gee.
the actual answer is 4356. duh
IC Solver piratically gave you the answer. Duh!
looks like you were right.
Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 272). You have won 363 NP!
has anyone really recieved the pizes yet? I'm just wondering because I haven't and I'm sure that I put in the correct answer.
i did! i told you guys! its obviously 9543. its sooo obvious, ive been giving out clues too! jeez!
that's what i put, but I recieved no prize
well sorry for you, thats too bad!
i got the prize and the trophy and the avatar!!!
I won nothing. Even neopoints =(
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