Thursday, July 10, 2008

Round 270

Date Released: July 10th, 2008.
Date Rewarded: July 17th, 2008.

The Monoceraptor was walking down a path one day when a Babaa appeared in front of it at exactly 8:06 AM.

The next day, the Monoceraptor was walking down the same path, and the Babaa appeared in front of it at 6:03 PM.

The next day, the same thing happened at 11:05 AM.

The next three days were at 3:09 PM, 5:05 AM, and 4:01 AM.

What time did the Babaa appear in front of the Monoceraptor on the seventh day? Submit your answer in the exact same time format as above. For example, if it occured at 9:15 in the evening, you would submit 9:15 PM. Do not include any extra information other than your answer.


Grandfather Clock

Click to show/hide solution

This is a sequence puzzle. The sequence is: 8:06 AM, 6:03 PM, 11:05 AM, 3:09 PM, 5:05 AM, 4:01 AM.

If we write twenty four hours in words and arrange in alphabetical order, it should be: eight (8 AM), eighteen (6 PM), eleven (11 AM), fifteen (3 PM), five (5 AM), four (4 AM), fourteen, nine, nineteen, one, seven, seventeen, six, sixteen, ten, thirteen, three, twelve, twenty one, twenty three, twenty two, two, zero. Therefore, the next hour should be fourteen or 2 PM.

For the minutes, notice the PI number: 3.14159265358979323846... The 8th digit is 6, the 18th digit is 3, the 11th digit is 5, the 15th digit is 9, the 5th digit is 5 and the 4th digit is 1. Therefore, the next minute should be corresponding to the 14th digit which is 7.

The answer is 2:07 PM.

Results: 50 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 40,000 NP each.


HลԺﻉš_Sลრล said...

Hi! ;)

like you said, it's early to say something about that logic...

I've tried many ways to connect the overlap times too, and now I don't understand why he used a additonal 24h in the first time to take that relation.

Can you explain better why he did it?

LC Solver said...

first day: 8:06 AM
second day: 6:03 PM.

the overlap time should be greater than 24 hours (from morning of the first day to morning of the second day is 24 hours and we have a few extra hours from morning of the second day to the next meeting)

HลԺﻉš_Sลრล said...

oh right... ^^'

I made a little confusion at the beggining of the problem, just there..

Do you really think that this logic can be right?

LC Solver said...

the logic I posted is ok. However, I think it's weak. Don't ask me why. I just sensed it from previous problems.

also if it's true, it becomes 6th day not 7th.->not correct.

dzcarlos said...


33 hours and 57 mins
17 hours and 02 mins
28 hours and 4 mins
13 hours and 56 mins
22 hours and 56 mins
8 hours and 05 mins


I put the time difference between the answers you previously from 1 day to another. If you look at it seems kinda a math problem. I believe if you add those together you get 26:56 becoming into 1 day 2 hours and 56 minutes. Becoming on the 7th day at 3:02PM.

Unknown said...

Im just a little bit confused near the end when we need to figure out the minutes, i hope the answer i get is right!

dzcarlos said...


33 hours and 57 mins
17 hours and 02 mins
28 hours and 4 mins
13 hours and 56 mins
22 hours and 56 mins
8 hours and 05 mins


I put the time difference between the answers you previously from 1 day to another. If you look at it seems kinda a math problem. I believe if you add those together you get 26:56 becoming into 1 day 2 hours and 56 minutes. Becoming on the 7th day at 3:02PM.

Unknown said...

I'm even more confused. Technically, wouldn't the one we just figured out together be the right answer? Cause if you take the first number as the first day, there were 7 days.

dzcarlos said...

lc solver came up with the 6th day.
I try to figure out 7th day with a bit of logic. So Telpeath, I might be wrong (which most likely am) since I did what impulse took me to get 7th day.

Unknown said...

But we were already given 6 days in the problem
Day 1: 8:06a
Day 2: 6:03p
Day 3: 11:05a
Day 4: 3:09p
Day 5: 5:05a
Day 6: 4:01a

So the answer we all figured out together was the answer, wasn't it?

LC Solver said...

telepath: if you take

4:01 am + 8 hours 5 min = 12:06 pm on the 6th day which is not what we want (7th day).

Unknown said...

So then, just so i know i am going on the right track, then i take *i wont do the first part*

5 + y=57?

LC Solver said...

I think the logic itself isn't too convincing.

12:06 pm supposed to be the final answer using that logic. You can believe it if you want but I don't.

Unknown said...

wait, 12:06 is the answer?

Unknown said...

... considering the logic is "misguiding?"

LC Solver said...

this is the only time I posted the answer (mostly because I don't think it's correct and I had to post to explain why)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I tried every algebraic formula i knew. We needed more clues at least one more time could have helped all of us solve it much easier...well...easier.

sisu said...

Well duh.. I'm thinking that the logic is right. But.. on the 6th day, the Babaa appeared twice.. what would be the next set of figures..?
See what I'm saying? You'd have to figure out the next set of numbers. In other words, you'd have to go two more steps from the last set of times that we were given...

Unknown said...

And that is exactly what we don't have. Its strange really. We need him to visit if not just one more time in order to have proper information to work with.

sisu said...

Well, yes you do.. if you get 12:06 for a second visit on the sixth day, apply that same formula back to 12:06 PM... See what I'm saying? It would bring you into the 7th day... no where in there does it say that the Babaa could only visit once in a day...

LC Solver said...

I recommend looking for something with time in Neopets or something related to current event like Altador cup (but there is no time on it though)

precious said...

day 1 - 8:06 AM
day 2 - 6:03 PM
day 3 - 11:05 AM
day 4 - 3:09 PM
day 5 - 5:05 AM
day 6 - 4:01 AM
day 6 - 12:06 PM
day 7 - 3:11 AM

33 57
17 2
28 4
13 56
22 56
8 5
15 5

33-17 = 16
17-28 = -11
28-13 = 15
13-22 = -9
22-8 = 14
8-15 = -7

2+4=6(absolute value (60-6) = 54)
56+56=112(absolute value (60-112) = 52)
56+5 = 61
5+5 = 10(absolute value (60-10) = 50)

minutes: 16 15 14 ; -11 -9 -7
seconds: 59 60 61 ; 54 52 50

so I guess its at 3:11 am on day 7 with the use of the patterns that i have figured out.

but i am not forcing you to believe that this is correct. i am just contributing...

LC Solver said...

nice logic precious. I can still think it's weak but it's better than the one I posted.

Scott Rux said...

I'm trying to convert the times to something involving the angles on a 12-hour clock. That's the only other approach I can think of.

Anonymous said...

well... uhhh, i have another way to do it, i got the same thing you got lcs in the first try. here it goes but this will sound stupid

am pm
8:06 6:03
11:05 3:09
5:05 x
4:01 x
i used the 3 as refernce, 3+2=5 which is the next number then 3+2-1=4 which IS the next number under 5, then 6/2=3, 3x4=12, 12/6=2
so i got this
am pm
8:06 6:03
11:05 3:09

then 3x3=9, 9/2=4.5 or 5 f you round it up.
am pm
8:06 6:03
11:05 3:09
well thats what i have so far, i will try to solve the rest and i will post it if i think it works, ok, sorry if this confused someone but its my distorted way of doing math, sorry and bye for now

DarkAngel said...

But did you use am or pm for your answer.
All these answers made sense but i tried a difrent way.
I used like a clock.
to get from the first time to the second its 2 times around the clock and 10 hours.
To get from the 2nd to the 3rd its 1 time around and 5 hours, half of the first one.
Then the next it was 2 and 4 i think and the next was 1 and 2
so then tried the last numbers which were 1 and 11 almost completly around so it was 33 hours divided by 2 equals 16 hrs and a half which added to the number gave me 3.30pm the next day.
but i'm still very skeptical about this answer considering.....

Unknown said...

Hi. I tried to figure this answer myself. And I found something.

Change the times to Army Timing:

Then find the gaps from 8:06 to 18:03, then 18:03 to 11:05, and so on.

Once you are done that, add the gap from 8:06-18:03 to 8:06. Your answer should be the time the Monoceratpor will meet the Babaa the next day.

So, all you have to do is find the gap of 5:05 to 4:01, and then add add 4:01.

Well, just take a look at it this way:
x + y = z

x = gap between one pair of times
y = the second time in the pair
ex. 5:05 and 4:01 is the pair, the 2nd time is 4:01
z = the answer you get after adding both numbers.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that with the first and second day, if you go straight from 8:06am to 6:03pm all in one day, it's 9 hours and 57 minutes. But if you add 24 hours, then it adds up to the 33 hours and 57 minutes.

The same also occurs between days 3 and 4. If you go from 11:05am straight to 3:09pm, it's 4 hours, 4 minutes. But if you add 24 hours, it adds up to the 28 hours and 4 minutes.

So I think that the original answer (12:06 pm) is right. It may only be 8 hours and 5 minutes, but if you add 24 hours, it should add up to the right answer.

If you need me to explain better, please ask.


Anonymous said...

ok, thi is how i tryed to post it before, here i go:
well... uhhh, i have another way to do it, i got the same thing you got lcs in the first try. here it goes but this will sound stupid

5:05_______ x
4:01_______ x
for am: i used the 3 as referncesince 11-3=8, 3+2=5 which is the next number then 3+2-1=4 which IS the next number under 5, then for pm 6/2=3, 3x4=12, 12/6=2
so i got this

then 3x3=9, 9/2=4.5 or 5 f you round it up.
am ______pm
5:05 ___
4:01 ___
i used this ,it goes from left to right
well thats what i have so far, i will try to solve the rest and i will post it if i think it works, ok, sorry if this confused someone but its my distorted way of doing math, sorry and bye for now,
my account got frozen by mistake, but so i have been fighting to get it back and i haven´t try to solve the rest. bye

SpongeJordan said...

Actually, this thought process might be right. I was attempting it (just back into neopets) and started chugging it through. Sadly, I don't think you went far enough... Here, I'll post my chart.

Its a fair bit sloppy, but it shows a similar thought process as a visual. The pattern seems very repetitive, and the 12:06 goes well with the pattern. However, I dont see how its possible to go another step in.