Date Released: May 1st, 2008.
Date Rewarded: May 8th, 2008.
A Chomby was walking down a path one day when Jhudora appeared in front of it. "Solve this puzzle, and you may pass," she said.
Suppose you have a very long steel bar, with a regular pentagonal cross-section where each side of the pentagon is 2 cm in length. This bar will be suspended vertically over a very deep chasm. At the bottom end of the steel bar, there is a spherical steel weight with a diameter of 50 cm. Going up the bar, at every 3 metre increment, there is a spherical steel weight with a diameter of 30cm.
If the density of the steel is exactly 7.8 g/cm
3, the steel can withstand a tensile stress of 400 MPa, and gravity is 9.81m/s
what is the maximum possible length, in metres, that the bar can extend without breaking? Round
down to the nearest metre, submit
only a number (with no additional or extraneous information), and disregard any deformation of the bar or any other forces acting on the bar.
Steel Negg Click to show/hide solution
Check out the Neoboards and the description of each board:
Avatars/Neosignatures: ... Item pools are a scam and are not allowed!
Battledome: ... Anything and everything Battledome is in here.
Beauty Contest: ... regarding YOUR OWN Beauty Contest entry!)
Customisation: ... that would be embarassing.
Evil Things and Monster Sightings: ... This board is for you.
Fan Clubs: ... Discuss it here!
Games: ... Yup, the Games board is for you.
Each word in the sequence is the last word of each board's description. Therefore, answer should be embarassing. Note that the answer is a common misspelling word.
Results: 3983 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 503 NP each.